Picture Book Author Tools

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Welcome to Picture Book Author Tools

This tool helps KidLit authors analyze their manuscripts, generate accurate word counts, and more.

  • Accurate word count (automatically excluding art notes)
  • Spot overused words with visual word clouds and frequency analysis
  • Identify problematic rhyming words with ambiguous pronunciation
  • Remove all art notes with a single click
  • Flesch–Kincaid readability analysis and grade-level
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Paste your text below. Art notes will be highlighted automatically.

Your manuscript never leaves your browser. No text is sent to our servers or stored.

Manuscript Stats

Text Word Count: 0
Art Notes Word Count: 0
Total Word Count: 0
Number of Art Notes: 0

This tool detects words that are syllabically ambiguous or may have different pronunciations depending on regional accents, dialects, or reading styles. These words can cause issues in rhyming picture books when used as end rhymes.

This tool allows you to completely remove all art notes from your manuscript. Useful when you need a clean version without any illustrator notes.